Position: Chief Executive Officer

  • Category Accounting
  • Location Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Salary N/A
  • Expiry date Oct 03, 2024 (14 days left)
Job Description

Company Description

ABASAR NEPAL PVT.LTD is a human resources solutions company based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Since 2017, we have been providing top-notch human resource management services and assisting job seekers in finding employment opportunities. Our company caters to a diverse range of candidates, from entry-level associates to mid-level managers, and offers a variety of staffing options to meet each client's needs.

Role Description

This is a full-time on-site role for a Chief Executive Officer at Cemat Consultant in Kathmandu. The CEO will be responsible for overseeing finance, operations management, business planning, sales, and strategic planning on a day-to-day basis.

AA) Overall and Full Responsibility:

1. Take overall and full responsibility to run the company and report directly to the Board through the

Board Chairman or the MD asthe case maybe.

(Overall and full responsibility means full technical, operational, managerial and moral responsibility

in the full sense with the support of a Team of competent staff and guidance of Board)

1. Solicit advice and guidance, when appropriate, from Board of directors

2. Evaluate the success of the organization in reaching its goals

3. Look at potential acquisitions under circumstances that will enhance company value

BB) Business Promotion:

1. Be aware of in advance of all major Infrastructure Projects coming up in the country in the short, mid

and long term.

2. Maintain good relations and contacts at all required levels of clients in the Company’s sectors of

operation. This means regular personal visits by self and assisted by staff to obtain: information of

business opportunities prior to official invitations, inside information on special requirements and criteria for evaluation of EOI’s, RFP’s, financial and man month estimates, TOR’s, Reports, Tips on EOI

and RFP proposal preparation, etc.

3. Wherever foreign partners are required, to tie up with the most competent foreign partner who has

the best chance of helping win the assignment and execute it efficiently. Similarly, if local partners are

required, to tie up with the best and most competent local partner(s) who can contribute to winning

assignments and executing them.

4. Collaborate with foreign and local partners to edit, improve, and polish EOI (pre-qualification)

submissions to secure the highest possible marks to get shortlisted.

5. Collaborate with foreign and local partners to edit, improve, and polish technical and financial

proposals to secure the highest possible marks in the technical and financial evaluations. As the case

maybe, this includes convincing local experts with high scoring CV’s to work with us rather than with

other competitors, on exclusive basis wherever necessitated.

6. Do all that is necessary including clarifying/explaining / lobbying at all required levels to firstly get

shortlisted, and then get awarded a majority number of proposals submitted.

7. In the event contract is awarded, do all that is necessary to ensure a successful contract negotiation

with the client, which if not more favorable to us at least fair to usin all aspects.

8. To ensure/include at least 10 -15 % net profit after deducting all expenses and taxes while finalizing

financial proposals.

9. Oversee and supervise the activities of concerned staff who will be assisting the CEO to conduct the

above and any other responsibilities.

CC) Contract(s) Execution:

In general, to do all that is necessary to make sure that all secured contracts are executed efficiently in the

most professional manner complying with the contract signed and the laws of the land – with effective

control on quality, cost, schedule and unethical activities. To achieve this the following among other

activities are necessary:

1. Maintain excellent relations with all levels of Client, foreign and local partners, if any, Project

financing institution(s), external freelance experts hired, office colleagues /staff, locals and

Administration in project area and any other persons and institutions connected to or necessary in

the execution of the contract(s).

2. Oversee/ supervise Contract Manager’sfollowing duties on all contracts:

a) Maintain excellent relations with Client, foreign and local partners, external experts, financial

institutions and any other persons or institutions directly or indirectly connected to the


b) Participate in the contract negotiations with the client if possible and be thoroughly conversant

with the contract signed.

c) Make an annual as well as full contract duration Business plan of the contract including fund

deficits if any and plans on how to finance the deficits and submit to CEO for approval in

coordination with the Finance and Accounts Dept.

d) Make all logistic arrangementsrequired for the kick-off execution of the contract

e) Make sure all internal and external manpower required for the contract is in place

f) Make a Job Description of all staffs deployed based on responsibilities specified in the contract

and as per Company rules. (In the case of external experts this should already have been included

in the contracts signed with the experts.)

g) Make daily contacts with project team by phone/email, messages, etc., and regularly visit Project

sites, Client Head Offices, Financing Institutions, etc.

h) Obtain from Site and maintain record of all billable and non-billable Man Day / Man Month


i) Monitor cost(expenses), work quality and compliance to schedule (deadlines, etc.) and take

corrective measures if required.

j) Make sure all deliverables (reports, recommendations, etc.) go out as per deadlines mentioned in

the contract or as agreed with the client.

k) Organize, attend and maintain records of all important Review Meetings with the Client/partners

/ Other stake holders, etc.

l) Submit due invoices to JV Partners or Client or Foreign Consultant Partners directly as the case

maybe and follow up timely payments with the payment releasing authorities.

m) In coordination with HR Dept, maintain a list of alternate external experts of all key positions so

that quick replacement can be made if any expert needs to be replaced for any reason.

n) Submit all information required or requested by the Accounts and Finance and HR Depts.

o) Take part in Seminars, Orientation programs, Trainings, etc., organized by the Company from

time to time. Participate in industry-related events or associations that will enhance the Contract

Manager’s leadership skills, the organization’s reputation, and the organization’s potential for


p) Participate in industry-related events or associations that will enhance the Contract Manager’s

leadership skills, the organization’s reputation, and the organization’s potential for success

q) Maintain a photo log of all important project events and works in progress and completed

through the site Manger.

r) Be watchful of and take precautions against unethical and/or illegal activities of staff and report

immediately to CEO and Board Chairman.

s) Special attention to be paid to activities of Company and/or staff that could result into CIAA

actions and report to Board thru CEO,

t) Submit Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Daily Progress Reports to CEO under copy to Board


u) Follow up and obtain project completion certificates in our company name; (this doc is required

for getting shortlisted in EOI’s)

v) At the end of the contract write a Project completion Report also highlighting the lapses we have

made in the contract/project and steps recommended to be taken in order not to repeat them in

the next contract.

w) Maintain Contracts Status MIS at all times.

Note: Although the above are the primary responsibilities of the Contracts Manager, the CEO by virtue of

being overall responsible for all affairs of the company is also parallelly responsible for these tasks; and in

case the contract manager is yet to be appointed or existing one resigns, the CEO with the help of other

available staff should execute the above responsibilities. Even when there is a Contract Manger in place, it

is recommended that CEO randomly take up some of the tasks himself occasionally (time permitting) to

gain firsthand experience in any one or more of the above work scopes.

DD) Human Resources (HR)

EE) Finance / Accounts / Tax:

1. Oversee and supervise the Accounts and Finance Team’s following main duties:

a) Day to Day Accounting of Head Office as well as all contracts.

b) Supervising Account officers deputed to Projects/contracts in coordination with the contact


c) Preparation of Business Plans and budgets, review their compliance on quarterly, biannual, yearly

and at contact end and report to Board thru the CEO.

d) Making arrangements of fund deficitsif any.

e) Arranging internal and external audits and report to Board thru CEO

f) Doing Tax Economics

g) Tax Filing, Tax paying and obtaining Tax clearance certificates in time (this doc required for

getting shortlisted in EOI’s)

h) Finalizing and regularly reviewing (every quarter, annually, and at end of contract) Profitability

analysis of each and every contract and reporting to Board thru CEO

i) Procurement activities until a separate Procurement Dept. is considered required and


j) Invoicing for Receivables in coordination with Contract Manager(s).

k) Follow up of Receivables with all concerned.

l) Take special actions on and repot prolonged payment delays and potential Bad Debt to Board

thru CEO.

m) Timely payment of salaries to staff and external experts, sub-contractors, sub-suppliers, etc.

n) Maintaining Vigil and taking proactive precautions against all types of financial fraud and


o) Compliance to OCR requirements including all renewals in coordination with Company Secretary

(many of these renewals are required for pre-qualification).

p) Complying to Company’s current Financial Rules and Regulations.

q) Maintaining a Financial MIS at all times.

2. CEO, besides generally over seeing all above tasks, will have to pay special personal attention to

Tasks C, E, G, H, L, N and Q.

FF) Audits/ Reviews: