About Company

East West Concern Private Limited is a company established in 2038 (1981) under Company Act 2021 (1964) with a view to provide multi disciplinary services to national and international governmental and non-governmental agencies in various areas. The firm has been eng...

East West Concern Private Limited is a company established in 2038 (1981) under Company Act 2021 (1964) with a view to provide multi disciplinary services to national and international governmental and non-governmental agencies in various areas. The firm has been engaged in the infrastructure development, industrial and business sectors. In this process the firm plays various cytalic roles for the local industrial and business groups and entrepreneurs. The firm has also worked with UNIDO for attracting foreign investors in Nepal particularly for the promotion of industrial development. The firm has also participated as one of the members in important missions. The firm's participation in Investment Promotion Mission to Italy, FRG and USA for attracting foreign investment in the country is acknowledged. 


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