Dec 30, 2018
New year facts from different parts of the world.
This time we fetch some interesting facts about New Year celebration around the world which are fresher than the chicken you’re eating. Go on, enjoy!Russians celebrate the New Year twice, once on January 1st and then again on January 14th. Shouldn’t be a new thing for us as we too celebrate one on Jan 1st and other on Baisakh 1st.
In an effort to reduce drunk driving, every New Year’s Eve the AAA will tow your car and give you a lift home for free, even if you’re not a member. Don’t start grinning; it’s in UK and some other countries. Not in Nepal, of course. The ancient Hawaiian New Year festival holiday lasted four months during which all types of working and warfare were banned. They spent the time playing sports, resting, feasting, dancing and renewing communal bonds.
There is a music festival every New Year’s eve in the Antarctic called ‘Icestock’. It would be the coolest New Year fest ever, both in impression and temperature.
In Thailand, they celebrate their traditional New Year’s Day with a state sponsored multiple day water fight although Thailand doesn’t have the ownership of this tradition. It is practiced among other south-east Asian countries like Singapore too as a one day event.
In Korea and some other Asian countries, when you are born, you are considered one year old and everyone’s age increases one year on New Year’s. So if you were born on December 29th, on New Year’s Day, you will be considered 2 years old.
The earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 B.C. And here’s the last one; a bonus for you Some people wear adult diapers while celebrating New Year at Time Square due to the lack of washrooms. Feeling too bad for them? Yes, we do too.
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