How to give Effective Presentation? Here are five tips for making your next PowerPoint presentation more effective.

How to give Effective Presentation? Here are five tips for making your next PowerPoint presentation more effective.

Aug 21, 2018

It is almost expected today that PowerPoint in business presentations will be used. Since, you can add visuals to the message and it is also an easy way to create a leave-behind handout oer e-mail the presentation to others later.When delivering a PowerPoint presentation, business presenters aren't as effective as they could be. Here are five tips for making your next PowerPoint presentation more effective.


1.      Start with Structure First  

 Always start plan your presentation on paper beforepresentation on paper before you sit down at the computsit down at the computer. Start by  defining the goal of the presentationdefining the goal of the presentation. Also describe where the audience is todaydescribe where the audience is today in terms of   their knowledge, trust of you, attitudes and roles in the organization.their knowledge, trust of you, attitudes and roles in the organization.  Now you canNow you can plan the  route that you will use to take the audience through your route that you will use to take the audience through your presentation.    

2.      Use Colours & Fonts that are EasyEasy to See  

Always use a simple standard look for your slides so that the audience has visual consistency a simple standard look for your slides so that the audience has visual consistency a simple standard look for your slides so that the audience has visual consistency throughout the presentation.throughout the presentation. The background and text colours must  have enoughhave enough contrast so that the text will be easy to readthat the text will be easy to read. Arial or Calibri is easier to read when projected, so use one of is easier to read when projected, so use one of these fonts.  

3.      Use Visuals Instead of Text Slidestead of Text Slides  

 Surveys show that slide full of textthat slide full of text is the most annoying thing presenters can dois the most annoying thing presenters can do. So, visuals can  be used instead of paragraph of used instead of paragraph of texts. You can use graphs, diagrams, pictures or even media pictures or even media clips to attract the attention of others into your presentation.the attention of others into your presentation.  

4.      Practice and Rehearse  

Practicing and rehearsing your presentation is important. Cyour presentation is important. Creating your presentation at the last reating your presentation at the last minute is not a good idea. Always practise your Always practise your presentation mentally and review what you are review what you are going to say and how you want the flowgoing to say and how you want the flow to work. Only practising is not enough. You must ising is not enough. You must rehearse your presentation by standing and rehearse your presentation by standing and delivering by imagining it as realreal presentation.  

5.      End Your Presentation with Next StepsEnd Your Presentation with Next Steps  

 Ending your presentation withwith a slide that has the word “Questions???” in big bold text on ita slide that has the word “Questions???” in big bold text on it is the single worst mistake. Such Such ending invites your audience to question everything you have your audience to question everything you have just said and does not move them just said and does not move them to the last step towards the goal you had set for your last step towards the goal you had set for your presentation. Instead end your presentation Instead end your presentation talking about the next steps that you want the talking about the next steps that you want the  audience to take to use the information you have provided.audience to take to use the information you have provided.  

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